Friday, 28 August 2009


Someone needs to find this girl kosher-style dill pickles, and it needs to happen quickly, otherwise she's going to go CRAZY!!

Following my last pickle-related blog, I have tried making my own. I know it's not been the full 8 weeks yet, and they have a hint of a smell that's kind of something like a pickle, but they're not anywhere near correct.

I went to the grocery store and tried to find something similar. The first try were Polish dill pickles. They were whole pickles, not spears (not that it matters). The brand was called Krakus, they were dill pickles in brine. It said garlic in the ingredients. But noooooo, they were not dill pickled. Me= very disappointed.

Next, I went today to another grocery store to try Mrs Elswood pickles (I'd read that these were similar to American Koshers). Again, I was disappointed. They tasted like the small pickles you get in the states on relish trays. Not dills. Me= Sad and still very disappointed.

I would even LOVE some pickle-flavored Pringles, or a big vat of McDonald's pickles!! Anything!

Alas, still nothing. Sad face for now! :(

Sunday, 16 August 2009

On the hunt....

For Kosher-style dill pickles!!! You simply cannot get the savoury/spicey flavor that is a kosher dill in the UK. This has caused me an abundance of greif and heartache over the past nearly 4 years of living here. After trying many a pickled cucumber here, which ALWAYS turn out sweet even if they specifically state AMERICAN STYLE SPICY PICKLE, I've decided to take matters into my own hands.

After all, it's too expensive to get friends and family to regularly send me the crispy spears which I adore so much, and it's not an option to bring back enough jars to last me until my next trip every time I return to the states. So, I've decided to make my own.

I bought a large glass jar (previously used by my boyfriend for pickled eggs-gross), and went a googling. This is the recipe I decided to try out:-

8 pounds 3 to 4 inch long pickling cucumbers
4 cups white vinegar
12 cups water
2/3 cup pickling salt
16 cloves garlic, peeled and halved
8 sprigs fresh dill weed
8 heads fresh dill weed

Wash cucumbers, and place in the sink with cold water and lots of ice cubes. (NB: I didn't do this, as I didn't have the patience and couldn't be bothered. It's meant to keep the pickles crispy, so I suspect that this will be a complaint of mine when I get to finally taste the pickles. Meh, live and learn)

Soak in ice water for at least 2 hours but no more than 8 hours. Refresh ice as required.

Sterilize 8 (1 quart ) canning jars and lids in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. (NB: I used my large jar with an air-tight seal, so omitted this step. Had I not, it would be a very important step)

In a large pot over medium-high heat, combine the vinegar, water, and coarse salt. Bring the brine to a rapid boil. (I boiled water in a kettle, and added the other ingredients to a jar full of cucumbers instead)

In each jar, place 2 half-cloves of garlic (I used about 2 tablespoons of minced "fridge garlic"- I like mine with a lot of garlic!), one head of dill (I didn't have this, so I just used lots of dried dill), then enough cucumbers to fill the jar (about 1 pound). Then add 2 more garlic halves, and 1 sprig of dill. Fill jars with hot brine. I also chucked in one chopped jalepeno for extra zing (with seeds) and some black peppercorns..

Seal jars, making sure you have cleaned the jar's rims of any residue. Process sealed jars in a boiling water bath. Process quart jars for 15 minutes. Store pickles for a minimum of 8 weeks before eating. Refrigerate after opening. Pickles will keep for up to 2 years if stored in a cool dry place.

Obviously, I haven't tried them yet, but they smell pretty dang good. I'll keep you posted in the upcoming weeks. I have a feeling I won't be able to wait the full 8 weeks before trying them...:)

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Crock Pot Chicken Cassarole!!

So, I got this new slow cooker just after Christmas and I LOVE it!! However, I usually only make a few things in it- Beef Stew, Chicken Soup, or Chili.

I had some bone in chicken pieces this weekend so decided to try this bad boy out:-

*Chicken:- thighs, legs, etc. (however many you want, I used about 6-8 pieces)
*Potatoes:- about 3 big-ish ones, cut into chunks
* 3 small red onions, cut into chunks
* 3 carrotts, cut into chunks
* Chicken stock ( I used approx. 1 tblspn powder, or approx. 1 stock cube)
* 1/3-1/2 bottle white wine (I used pino grigio, but only because I've only got dry white in stock)
*2 Tblspn strong yellow mustard (I used english mustard)
*2 cloves minced Garlic
*herbs to taste (I used thyme & provencial herbs, approx 1/2 tablespoon each)

Remove the skin from the chicken (this isn't entirely necessary, but it prevents the cassarole from havng extra fat). Then brown in a pan with the red onion and the garlic.

If using a stock cube, dissolve it in your 2 cups of (boiling) water. If using liquid stock or powdered stock, I don't think this is necessary.

Chuck ingrediants into your slow cooker. I put the potatoes and carrots on the bottom because I read somewhere that putting meat on the bottom can cause it to burn a bit. Otherwise, throw everything in together (herbs, mustard, chicken, veg., stock, water, wine, etc.).

My slow cooker only has 2 settings, High or Low. I cooked on High for 2 hours, and then turned it down to low for about 4-5 more hours. If you're working or out during the day, chuck it on low or medium for the whole day.

This had a lot of juice for me, so I ended up using a ladel to get a bit out. I made some couscous wth the extra stock/juices from the slow cooker, along with another chopped red onion and some herbs. I cooked this in the oven for 30 minutes (not necessary for the couscous as the liquid cooks it, but it gives is a better texture- nice and moist and a little crispy, with the onions cooking nicely in it).

I served the couscous as a base for the chicken cassarole and had a simple salad on the side. This is super easy and yummy to do for dinner, and I have most of the ingredients in the kitchen all the time.

Enjoy!! :)

First Entry- Woooooo!

Hi and Happy Tuesday!!

So, I'm pretty new to this, but thought I'd use it as a place to share recipes, tecniques, ideas, etc. and get some feedback! Feel free to critique or explore ways to make things better!